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Total Curve Breast Enhancement

Total Curve

Breast cancer kills women. On average, breast cancer accounts for almost ten percent of all cancer deaths in women, contributing to more than half a million deaths in women worldwide, and nearly one percent of all deaths every year. Most deaths from breast cancer occur in the United States.

This is a disappointing statistic. They are made more disappointing when you consider that breast cancer can often be prevented. While some cases are hereditary, more often than not, lifestyle, diet, exercise and other factors play a role in determining a woman's risk of developing breast cancer.

Total Curve believes that awareness of this problem is an important step in preventing breast cancer, while improving overall health inwomen. That's why we wrote this article. We think you will agree that knowledge is power, and with that comes the opportunity to save lives.

Breast cancer occurs most commonly in the ASI channel, or the layer that supplies the channels with breast milk. Eighty percent of breast cancers are found when the carrier finds a lump in her breast. Timing is very important for positive results. The earlier it is detected, the better the prospect of survival. Treatments for breast cancer include hormone therapy, chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.

Statistically, an American woman has a 12.5% ​​chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime, with a chance of one in 35 deaths. While genetics plays a role in determining the possibility of breast cancer, it is a small cause, which is five percent. The most common cause of breast cancer, so far, is lifestyle. Excessive alcohol, smoking, lack of exercise and obesity especially after menopause are the main causes of breast cancer in women.

Age is also a factor. Only five percent of breast cancer patients are women under 40 years old.

This makes it even more important to adopt healthy living habits when you are young. The list of breast cancer prevention habits is very broad. You can start by eating mushrooms and drinking green tea. A recent study of more than 2,000 women showed that women who regularly ate mushrooms had a 50% lower breast cancer rate. When combined with green tea, the risk is reduced to 90%.

In fact, make vegetables as your staple food, especially brassica (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, cabbage and Brussels sprouts). Studies show that women who consume one and a half servings of brassica vegetables every day have a 42% lower risk of developing breast cancer. The consumption of Brassica vegetables works inversely to the risk of breast cancer. The more brassicas are consumed, the lower the risk.

Avoid obesity, especially after menopause. A recent study concluded that adding 22 pounds after menopause increased the risk of breast cancer by 18%. Alcohol and passive smoking are also the main causes of breast cancer. The study conclusively found an association between women who consumed two units of alcohol each day increasing their chances of developing breast cancer by 8% and increasing proportionally for each additional drink. Passive smoking, especially in pre-menopausal women, increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer later in life with a surprising 70%!

Total curve can help you reduce risk. We have strategically placed buckwheat and watercress in our Total Curve Daily Supplement because both are proven to improve overall breast health in women. What's really exciting is that new medical evidence shows that watercress is a strong breast cancer inhibitor. In a recent British study, scientists concluded that watercress disrupted the protein responsible for breast cancer. In fact, evidence from research shows that watercress only 'turns off breast cancer signals', stopping cancer growth in place.

This is good news for women and another reason to let Total Curve 3-Step Enhancement Therapy enhance your body with beautiful, natural and healthy breasts.

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